It was quite impress to have an attention from around the world towards a stadiums during the game period no matter in structure, design & materials such as the Watercube stadium. You may get more info about it at WaterCube International Aquatic Stadium
Beside this, I found something interesting during the games period which is the google website changed their logo during each single day along the Olympic game period with different sport over their website header. You may see that each sport was play by a different animals and those animal was actually choosen from the Chinese zodiac sign which consist of 12 animals. It start from the open ceremony with the Beijing Olympic Games Mascots "Fuwa" and goes on with the 12 animals and finally end with a reunion of the 12 animals which represent that a successfully completed and join together for a celebration.

Over the years, the Olympic that held in Beijing China 2008 had make a success for the Olympic game not only on the game, but also promoting their culture towards the world.